If you have any questions or information that you would like to pass on to the school then please fill out the form or contact us directly via contact@lfph.dk
Who do you want to contact? Select DepartmentBook a visitEnrollmentThe Office of the Director of Primaire and the Vice-PrincipalThe Office of the PrincipalAccountingHuman RessourcesVie scolaireDaycare & SFOOther
Your first name
Your last name
Your email
Message to recipient
Book a visit
For the time being, tours are only offered on Fridays for Maternelle and Elementaire. Children are more than welcome to partake in the tour. The tour usually takes about 30 - 45 minutes.
Last name
First name
Phone number
E-mail address
What department do you wish to visit? It's possible to select multiple departments.
Message for the recipient
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