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      The School Council deals with questions of either an instructional or educational nature. The council is chaired by the school principal and meetings are held at least once every trimester. 


      The School Council is made up of ex officio members and invited members.   

      There is always an even number of staff representatives: the administration (from the Embassy and the school administration), the staff (teachers and other personnel), students, and parents. They all have the right to vote. 


      The invited members (the consul, French expat advisors, the vice-president of the lycée’s Student Council, representatives from the board) cannot vote, but are consulted. 

      Furthermore, the President can invite whomever they deem useful in regards to the agenda.  


      The School Council authorizes changes or updates to the internal rules, the school expansion project, time schedules, the school’s calendar, and the school’s counseling policies and procedures.


      The School Council is concerned with all questions regarding the school’s day-to-day operations: the personnel, development of teaching structures, educational projects, the planning and financing of school trips and camps, questions regarding hygiene and safety, the school canteen, etc. 


      Questions can be sent to representatives from the PTA (parent–teacher association), who are elected by the School Council:


      Previous meeting minutes.

      The Director of Primaire is the President of the Committee for Primaire.


      The committee is made up of teachers and representatives from the PTA, all ex officio members. The school’s principal or the administrative and financial director, and other staff members can participate and are consulted at meetings. 


      Furthermore, the President can invite whomever they deem useful in regards to the items on the agenda.  


      The Committee for Primaire meets three times a year and handles any questions concerning the school’s management and environment, especially in regards to the teaching structure, scheduling of classes, and the school year calendar, organizing the appropriate support for students with special needs, school camps, all topics of health and personal hygiene, teaching materials, books, or similar.


      The Committee for Primaire meets at least once per trimester and always in advance of the School Council meeting. 


      Please email any questions to the PTA representatives in the Committee for Primaire at:


      Previous meeting minutes.



      The Teacher Committee is a committee for teachers in secondaire, which handles all questions regarding school policy. 


      The committee meets three times a year, right before the School Councilmeeting. The committee is made up of the principal (the committee President), vice-principal, the academic coordinators, the coordinators of each individual grade in collège, (the class teachers,) the person responsible for CDI (secondary’s library), and the school guidance counselor.  


      The Teacher Committee focuses on the instructional side of the school’s development. Agenda topics include: final exam preparation, reform implementation, support measures for students in secondaire, organizing “accompagnement personnalisé,” policies for guidance and counseling content, and educational projects. 

      The Student Council for Collège and Lycée is one of the school’s main bodies and is chaired by the principal. The council meets before every School Council meeting, which is required to consult the CVCL in regards changes to the campus and the school’s organization. 


      The CVCL is made up of representatives elected by students in collège and in lycée. Half of the elected members are replaced every year. 


      The CVCL considers and discusses all questions relating to the school: school hours, the school expansion project, internal rules, guidance counseling, support teachers in the classes, recess activities, health and security, hygiene, school interiors, and the canteen. The goal of the CVCL is to find out what students want and help make their lycée years both productive and positive.  


      The CVCL offers the students a unique forum for exchanging thoughts and ideas with the adults. 

      The Employee Advocacy Board is the Committee for Hygiene, Safety, and Working Conditions (CHSCT: Hygiene, Sikkerhed og Arbejdsvilkår) at Prins Henrik School, and is usually called the MIO. It follows Danish regulation and AEFE recommendations in both its formation and decision-making processes, whilst also respecting the basic terms and conditions of the school.


      The MIO is a committee chaired by the school Principal and consists of four members elected among the staff (one health and safety representative from each employee group), union representatives (TR) for teachers and nursery teachers – according to Danish law – and members of the administration (the director for primaire, the financial director, the vice-principal, and the person in charge of the school’s daycare / SFO). 


      The MIO’s main areas of concern are improving hygiene, safety, and working conditions at the school. 


      The committee meets twice a month without the directors and three times a year with all of its members. 


      The purpose of the committee is to resolve any health and safety issues noted by the staff in their everyday life at the school, devising and implementing steps to achieve plans or projects outlined in the APV survey (which the staff answer every third year), monitoring or following-up on these plans, reporting on work-related accidents, collaborating with external bodies regarding work health and safety, and so forth. 


      The Board of Directors

      Prins Henrik School is a Danish private school. In accordance with free school legislation, the Board of Directors is the school’s chief governing supervisor. The Board is elected at the general assembly by the school’s PTA. 

      The Board is responsible for the school’s budget and financial strategy, and as the official employer of the school’s employees, signs the local staff contracts, prepared by the school administration.  

      The Board’s main role is to ensure the school upholds the terms and conditions for free schools in Denmark, and to maintain a strong relationship with government authorities. In addition, the Board also makes sure all agreements between Prins Henrik School and AEFE are honored. The Board delegates all responsibilities regarding the instruction and daily direction of the school and the staff to the principal. 

      The Board is composed of eight members and one substitute (six elected with voting rights). Seven of them are parents elected during the general assembly and two are members appointed by the French state, the latter two without voting rights. A seat on the board lasts three years, and every year two seats are up for re-election. A member who leaves the Board can be re-elected. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Treasurer are selected by the elected members during the general assembly. 

      NamePosition and responsibilities
      Gösta SchwarckParent, Chairman of the Board
      Eve ChoquetteParent, Vice-Chairman of the Board
      Judith Doué-TaïParent, Treasurer
      Christophe CômeParent and Secretary of the Board
      Alexandra Morge-RochetteParent
      Diane Ebrard CreusotParent
      Maya KhiarParent (Suppleant)
      Carl EngelsenMember chosen by the French Embassy and the Institute Français, Director of the Institute Français
      Emmanuel ZimmertCooperative attaché chosen by the French Embassy and 
      the Institute Française

      To consult the rules of procedure of the Board

      If you would like to contact the Board, please send an email to:

      Previous meeting minutes

      Notes form the school year 2024-25


      The General Assembly is attended by the parent-teacher association and is held every year at the end of October.

      In the run up to the general assembly, the board submits an annual report and presents the annual accounts for approval. The meeting also provides an occasion to elect new members to the board of directors.

      Documents presented at the General Assemblies :

      General Assembly, 30th of September 2024
      Notes from the General Assembly, September 2024 (FR and GB)
      Financial report 2023 (GB)


      General Assembly 2023, 4th of December 2023

      Notes from the General Assembly, December 2023 (DK and FR)


      The Board’s report (FR)

      Financial report (GB)

      Audit protocol (DK)




      Link to the  archives

      The general assembly’s decision-making process is overseen by the mediator, a role held by two parents who are unaffiliated with the board and who are elected at the general assembly. If you would like to contact them, please send an email to:

       Consult the school’s By-laws.


      Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Étranger (The Agency for French Education Abroad) is a network of 566 schools and lycées in 138 countries, offering a curriculum on par with the official requirements established by the French Ministry of Education. The schools, which follow a set standard, all share the same humanistic values – of tolerance, equality of the sexes, equal opportunity, intellectual curiosity, and emphasis on developing students’ critical thinking skills. The schools offer the possibility of an uninterrupted education from maternelle to the final qualifying exams.  The school is also a direct connection to an international and dynamic network of schools, known for their openness and for offering a particularly rewarding school experience.

      Strong Academic Results

      One of the driving ambitions for the schools within the network is for their students to pass the exams with flying colors, and the fact is that the majority of the schools receive excellent scores for the final exams (98.5% in 2022, 98,9 on average and in many cases, even 100%). Most of the students within the network who wish to study after graduation get accepted into “major schools” and at prestigious international universities. 


      The schools focus on exchanges, in both the linguistic and cultural sense of the word, drawing together children from all corners of the world. Introducing the children to a new language from an early age enables us to teach their subsequent grades in French, introduce them to the language of the host country (Danish), and promote the additional study of English or other languages within a multicultural environment. 

      AEFE offers qualified teachers on transfer who have been accredited by the French Ministry of Education to teach at the primaire and secondaire level, along with offering an ambitious training program for the administrative staff, teachers, and ASEM-employees. 

      AEFE is committed to promoting equality between girls and boys from an early age and career equality for all.

      EFE Brochure

      AEFE's homepage


      Reports and Rules

      Elémentaire and collège

      The Danish Agency for Education and Quality supervises all independent schools in Denmark. The inspection covers academic performance, quality of teaching and compliance with rules.

      In addition, there is a local inspection. The Prins Henrik School has chosen to be supervised by an external certified inspector, elected at the General Assembly of parents in October. The certified inspector elected is Mrs. Maggi Møller Knudsen, a university graduate.


      To view the inspection reports:

      Inspection report 2023-24 (danish) Inspection report 2023-24 (french)

      Inspection report 2022-23 (danish) Inspection report 2022-23 (french)

      Inspection report 2021-22 (french)

      Inspection report apport 2020-21 (french)



      The municipality of Frederiksberg carries out inspections of our kindergarten.

      To view the inspection reports:

      Inspection report May 2024

      Inspection report January 2022

      Inspection report May 2019

      Inspection report April 2018





      Teaching environment evaluations

      (all in French or Danish)

      2021 –

      Enquête Collège et Lycée  UMV 2020-21

      Stratégie UMV 2021






      Overall evaluation of teaching

      CE-PV-2023-11-14  Global Evaluation of the teaching 2022-23

      CE-PV-2022-11-15 Global Evaluation of the teaching 2021-22 

      CE-PV-2021-11-23  Global Evaluation of the teaching 2020-21

      CE-PV-2020-11-17  Global Evaluation of the teaching 2019-20

      CE-PV-2019-10-29 Global Evaluation of the teaching 2018-19



      School development project

      Projet établissement 2021-2024 

      Lien vers le projet d’évaluation