Vie scolaire
Vie Scolaire is responsible for maintaining a positive social and learning environment in both collège and lycée (from sixth grade to Terminale).
They are on site every day from 7:30am to 5:15pm.
CPE (Conseillère Principale d’Education), the school guidance counsellor, is the director of Vie Scolaire, whose primary objectives include:
- Welcoming students arriving at school in the morning
- Registering absences or tardy students electronically reported by class teachers.
- Keeping an eye on students outside of class time (during recess and lunch)
- Answering questions from students and helping them solve minor everyday issues
- Taking calls and responding to messages from parents
- Helping students who are going through a hard time, mediating conflicts
- Supporting students at the after-school “homework” group.
- Organizing fun learning activities during the lunch break (sports tournaments, creative workshops, and so on.)
The school counsellor works in collaboration with the teachers and the administration. She shares information with them, along with her observations of students, ensuring that any issues are followed up during the school year (concerning both their academic life and their general motivation), organizing meetings with the family if necessary, offering help to students in trouble, participating in council and PPR-meetings (for students with special needs).
She makes sure that Prins Henrik School’s ground rules are respected, communicating with students who overstep the boundaries.
She introduces new class representatives to their roles and presides over the lycée student council (CVL).
Contact information for Vie Scolaire:
- Email:
- Telephone: 33 55 00 75 and 27 11 17 10
Contact Léna MUNIÉ, CPE, school counsellor:
Telephone: 35 55 00 78