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      Student support

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      At Prins Henrik School, we strive to ensure the academic success of all of our students, and have long welcomed inclusion in our classrooms. There are many different support schemes and teaching aids for students with special needs – it is an integral part of our teaching. Every student is seen as an individual and needs to receive the specific support that will help him or her develop, feel comfortable at school, and succeed.

      Le Projet d’Accueil Individualisé (PAI) is for students with health conditions (allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc.).

      A document is drawn up outlining a child’s medical needs and a description of any measures needed to ensure the best possible learning environment for the child (medication dosage, weekly schedule, exemptions from certain activities.

      PPR (Pædagogisk Psykologisk Rådgivning) is Frederiksberg municipality’s counselling and psychological services. PPR can help if a school or parents have any concerns about a student’s well-being, learning, motor skills, or language.


      School Counsellors at Prins Henrik School:
      Cecilia Nysted (
      Lina Mandersson (


      Speech-Language Pathologist (Speech Therapist) at Prins Henrik School:
      Sara Gryholdt Rasmussen (


      If you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a meeting with PPR, please contact the Vice Principal at your child’s campus:


      For more information, click here.

      Free anonymous counselling for children, teens, and parents.

      Frederiksberg municipality offers free anonymous counselling for children, teens, and parents with a home address in Frederiksberg.

      Read more about it here.

      Le Programme Personnalisé de Réussite Éducative (Individual Academic Support) is for students with learning difficulties who may have difficulty achieving the minimum proficiency levels in order to advance from one grade level to the next. It is also set up to help gifted students or those showing potential.

      PPRE is organized by the different teaching teams. A plan is outlined for each student, identifying and coordinating the actions deemed necessary to solve the student’s problem.

      There are several steps to each plan: identification (a description of the problem), response (indicating appropriate activities), learning situation (partners, evaluation, and re-evaluation).

      Un Projet Personnalisé de Scolarisation (PPS) is available for students who are French nationals and who have a physical disability. The project offers different solutions in order to accommodate the student at school: a support teacher, modified lesson plans, learning materials, and so on.

      The teaching staff in primaire includes two special education teachers who help students who have difficulty acquiring basic skills or understanding academic content due to severe learning disabilities. Their job is to help these students develop compensation strategies, autonomy, and further their education.


      Reading Teacher

      Danish speaking students can be tested for dyslexia by our Danish reading teacher starting in the 4th grade. Please contact your child’s home teacher or Danish teacher for more information.

      Les Activités Pédagogiques Complémentaires (Academic support / supplemental classes)

      The differentiated instruction offered by our staff in primaire accommodates for the different needs of each student, meanwhile stimulating and increasing their joy of learning. It enables the teachers to help those students who are challenged by the material, support their learning or offer alternative activities within the lesson plan framework. Supplemental classes are held either before or after the regular classes.

      For students who struggle with learning French, Prins Henrik School offers classes in French as a foreign language (FLE) or French as the language of instruction (FLS), for students both in maternelle, élémentaire and secondaire. These classes are taught by trained foreign language teachers and takes place in small groups.

      Read more about FLE / S

      Plan d’Accompagnement Personnalisé is available to students who are continually challenged academically due to one or more disorders that have been diagnosed by a psychologist or other examination. There are several educational initiatives aimed at helping these students, in order to ensure the best conditions possible for their learning. If these initiatives are deemed insufficient, families of French students will be referred on to the MDPH (Maison départementale des Personnes Handicapées).

      Some of the staff in secondaire offer tutoring to students who are falling behind because of poor organizational skills or a lack of motivation. This support, which caters to the student’s needs, can either be temporary or more long-term and aims to help the student become more independent and help them succeed in school.

      AVS / Learning Support Assistants are responsible for supporting students with disabilities or students who have learning difficulties with the goal of helping them become more independent. They work both one-to-one or with groups.

      AVS / Learning Support Assistants focus on:

      • Daily Activities
      • Access to learning activities
      • Social Skills Activities
      • The kind of support needed is decided and evaluated at meetings with the teaming teams (PPR).

      The Wellbeing group at Prins Henrik School was founded in 2011 and aims to ensure a positive and comfortable environment at school in order to prevent every kind of discrimination, bullying, or offensive behavior towards anyone at school. The Wellbeing group includes volunteer staff, working together with students and teachers to avert and manage the different situations they encounter. At the start of every school year, the Wellbeing Group organizes a “Wellbeing Week”, where the focus is on respecting oneself and others, on bullying, and on developing one’s autonomy. All lessons and activities are developmentally appropriate.



      The Wellbeing Group includes seven members. Each of these members represent a different department from the school:

      1 staff worker from the maternelle daycare service.
      1 teacher from primaire
      1 special education teacher
      1 staff member from the SFO
      1 teacher from secondaire
      1 staff member from Vie Scholaire
      1 staff member from counselling/ health


      In the event of a difficult situation, families should contact the child’s teacher, who will involve the Wellbeing Group. The Wellbeing Group handles concerns of children of all ages with kindness and neutrality, regardless of their role in a situation. Only through collaboration and open dialogue, can we reach a solution together.


      For more information about bullying, click here: