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      Enrollment procedures and financial support


      Enroll directly on Skolengo

      The mission of any establishment within the network of the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad) is threefold:


      • educate French children residing in the host country and children from other establishments in the AEFE network
      • educate local children whose families have chosen to attend an institution in the network, such as the Lycée Français Prins Henrik.
      • educate children of third nationalities.


      The choice to educate a non-French-speaking child in a French school must correspond to a project of the family, which undertakes to accompany the schooling of its child and support him in his learning of the French language.

      A child not already enrolled in the French system will be subject to a entrance test from the entry to 1st grade /CP.

      Registration requests must be complete and accompanied by the requested supporting documents.

      In the event of a positive response, registration will be final after payment of the registration fees and deposit (to be made within 10 days to guarantee your child’s place).

      IMPORTANT: Admission to the LFPH implies acceptance of the conditions of the financial regulations.


      Admission to kindergarten (maternelle):

      • If your child turns 3 before 31st of December of the current school year and is toilet-trained (no longer wearing diapers), they can be enrolled in  Petite Section (PS).
      • If your child turns 3 after 31st of December  of the current school year, they can be enrolled in Toute Petite Section (TPS) on the day they turn 2 years and 10 months.


      Admission to elementary, middle and high school:

      Pupils arriving from other education systems take an entrance test: this assesses their French language skills and helps finding the class level that suits them.


      Kindergarten (Maternelle) – families residing in Denmark

      Once you have enrolled your child in maternelle at Prins Henrik School, it is very important to officially withdraw your child from their previous institution. 

      Please contact the office assigning daycare in the municipality concerned. As the withdrawal procedure can vary from one municipality to the next, please follow the guidelines relevant to your own municipality, before the child starts maternelle. 

      If you don’t register the withdrawal from the previous institution in time, Prins Henrik School will not be allocated any municipal subsidies for the child until the withdrawal notice period from the other institution has passed.


      Families Newly Arrived to Denmark

      Anyone who lives in Denmark needs a CPR number. It is one of the first things newcomers must apply for. 

      Read more under “Moving to Denmark.”

      As soon as your child is allotted a CPR number, please inform the school’s secretary in order to complete their enrollment (

      If the CPR number is not received by September 2nd (at the latest), the school won’t be able to apply for a subsidy for your child. In that case, students from first grade to seconde will be billed the full amount (no subsidy deduction) for the rest of the school year. 

      Diplomat families need to register their administrative CPR number at the school, along with the mother’s date of birth at:, before September 2nd.  

      Before completing your registration request, please read the Payment Terms and Conditions


      The LFPH registration procedure takes place in 3 steps:


      1. Application for registration

      The student ENROLMENT campaign for the school year 2025-2026 is now OPEN.


      • Please fill out the application form by following this link


      • Payment of administration fees (750 Dkk) online. If you have any problems making this payment, please contact us at

      At the end of this first step, you will receive by email a confirmation of the registration request.



      2. Processing of the registration request

      • You will be able to follow the progress of the processing of your request on your Skolengo space.
      • If your file is complete and your child has attended school in the French system (in France or in the AEFE network), your registration request will be processed upon receipt.
      • For registration in elementary school / middle school / high school, and if your child comes from another education system, you will be offered a date for an entrance test to assess your child’s ability to join our establishment.
      • If the number of registration requests is greater than the number of places available, you will be offered to place your child on the waiting list.


      3. Validation of registration

      If you have received an offer of a place, you have 10 days to pay the 1st registration fee, the advance and the deposit to confirm your acceptance of this offer. In the absence of confirmation, registration will be canceled and the place offered to another student.

      Please note, confirmation of your acceptance commits you to respect the unsubscription procedure if you wish to withdraw.



      • In order to benefit from the subsidized rate for classes from CP to 2nde, the student must be registered and have a CPR number before September 2nd of the year of registration.
      • The entrance tests are intended to assess your child’s ability to follow the lessons given at the LFPH in French and according to the programs of the French Ministry of National Education.
      • For any questions relating to registrations, you can send an email to


      Click here for third-party payments.

      Annual Plan

      New families can sign up for the annual canteen plan, when signing up for the school in Skolengo.

      If your child is already signed up for the annual canteen plan and wish to continue, you do NOT need to do anything, the signing up is automatic. 


      You can only opt-out of the meal plan once a year by sending an email to: 

      Cancellations must be notified with a notice period of the current month + 1 month.

      Canteen fees are due during the notice period, whether the child is present or not.


      Monthly Subscription

      To sign your child up for a meal plan on a month by month basis, please complete and send in this form between the 1st and 15th of the previous month (for example between September 1st and September 15th to sign up for October).

      The amount due will appear on the form and will vary, depending on the number of days the canteen is open that month. The amount for the month requested will be billed together with that month’s tuition fee. This meal plan is not automatically renewed.


      For those families whose meal plan is subsidized, please note that the subsidy only covers annual meal plans. If you sign up for the month by month plan, the full amount will be billed, without possibility of factoring in any eventual subsidies.



      Canteen Tickets (From 1st grade to Terminale)

      Booklets with 10 canteen tickets can be purchased from the accounting office. Either cash or MobilePay is accepted. Mobilepay 674034, you can pay with MobilePay from home/work and send an email to stating that you have paid and that your child will come and to pick up the tickets.

      Opening hours  Monday – Thursday 08.00 – 15.00, Friday 08.00-13.00 



      Visitors are allowed to access the canteen on an occasional basis and the price per meal is 100 DKK.

      Cancellation of canteen.



      For the 2024-2025 school year, we kindly ask all parents (newcomers AND already enrolled) to fill out a registration form for each child to enroll.
      Newly arrived student can sign up for the annual plan of after-school programs when they register on skolengo.
      During the year, to register for the after-school programs:

      – For entry into TPS-PS-MS-GS: SFO Mat Form

      – For entry into CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 or CM2: SFO/KLUB Form

      – For entry into 6th and 7th grade: Juniorklub KOMPAS

      If you wish to interrupt the registration, please go to cancellations



      After-School Programs (SFO / KLUB)

      When a child is signed up for Prins Henrik School’s after-school program (students in fourth and fifth), the school can apply for operating subsidies from the municipality where the child is registered. If your child decides to switch to another club, please remember to confirm their withdrawal from the school’s club within the period described in the school’s cancellation policy. See more information about cancellations in payment terms and conditions.


      Tuition and fees

      Tuition, fees and Payment Terms and Conditions.

      Payment Terms and Conditions 2024-25  


      The fees listed below are invoiced on a monthly basis from August to June.


      All amounts are shown in Danish kroner (DKK) and are per child.
      Registration application fee 750,00 DKK upon registration
      Enrollment fee 2.750,00 DKK upon enrollment
      Deposit due before the start of school (1.000 DKK from the 3rd child) 4.000,00 DKK upon enrollment


      Subsidized fees  Monthly
      (11 mois)
      Maternelle – TPS, PS, MS the fee includes daycare / SFO 2.960,00 DKK 32.560,00 DKK
      Maternelle GS the fee includes daycare / SFO 3.740,00 DKK 41.140,00 DKK
      Elémentaire (CP to CM2 / from first to fifth grade) 2.610,00 DKK 28.710,00 DKK
      Collège (6ème to 3ème / from six to ninth grade) 3.010,00 DKK 33.110,00 DKK
      Seconde 3.160,00 DKK 34.760,00 DKK
      Première (2g.) and Terminale (3g.) not DFB (Danish-French baccalauréat) 4.000,00 DKK 44.000,00 DKK
      Première (2g.) / Terminale (3g.) DFB (Danish-French baccalauréat) 3.160,00 DKK 34.760,00 DKK
      English elective PARLE (5ème to 3ème / seventh to ninth grade) 230,00 DKK 2.530,00 DKK
      English Certificate IELTS (2nde  – Terminale) 455,00** DKK 2.275,00 DKK
      The fees listed below are without subsidies
      and are for students without a CPR number registered before the 5
      th of September or in the case where a student enrolls after the start of the school year. 
      Monthly Anually
      Elémentaire (CP à CM2) 7.200,00 DKK 79.200,00 DKK
      Collège (6ème à 3ème) 7.600,00 DKK 83.600,00 DKK
      Seconde 7.750,00 DKK 85.250,00 DKK
      Discount offered for families with multiple enrollments

      If a family enrolls three or more children at the school they receive a 10% discount off each child’s monthly tuition fee for all levels (does not apply to SFO fees).



      Fee for the use of text books Annually
      Primaire Included in the tuition fee
      Collège 450,00 DKK
      Lycée 950,00 DKK
      Examination Fees
      French final qualifying exam (in Terminale / 3.g) 1.700,00 DKK
      French final exam (in Première / 2g.) 1.700,00 DKK
      9th grade exam (“Brevet”) 430,00 DKK
      Danish final qualifying exam (Studentereksamen): Additional fees for a Danish student cap and for riding in a student truck:
      DAYCARE / SFO (out of school hours) COSTS
      Daycare / SFO – maternelle (included in tuition fee)
      Daycare / SFO – élémentaire 1st to 5th grade 1.330,00 DKK/mois 14.630,00 DKK/an
      Daycare / SFO/ Klub – per half day, when school is in session or per day during school breaks 250,00 DKK per day
      Canteen tickets (10 meals)

      520,00 DKK per booklet of ten tickets

      For the entire school year (1.424 DKK billed every second month)

      7.120,00 DKK

      Monthly subscription 46,00 DKK / meal The price varies according to the number of days the canteen is open each month. 
      Fee per invoice when paying manually and not through PBS (Danish direct debit) 100,00 DKK
      Fee for paying manually, quarterly or annually – per invoice and per family 100,00 DKK – with a maximum of 1.000,00 DKK

      Payment Terms and Conditions 2025-26 will follow later  


      The fees listed below are invoiced on a monthly basis from August to June.


      All amounts are shown in Danish kroner (DKK) and are per child.
      Registration application fee 750,00 DKK upon registration
      Enrollment fee 2.750,00 DKK upon enrollment
      Deposit due before the start of school (1.000 DKK from the 3rd child) 4.000,00 DKK upon enrollment


      Subsidized fees * Monthly
      (11 mois)
      Maternelle – TPS, PS, MS the fee includes daycare / SFO 3.110,00 DKK 34.210,00 DKK
      Maternelle GS the fee includes daycare / SFO 3.930,00 DKK 43.230,00 DKK
      Elémentaire (CP to CM2 / from first to fifth grade) 2.740,00 DKK 30.140,00 DKK
      Collège (6ème to 3ème / from six to ninth grade) 3.160,00 DKK 34.760,00 DKK
      Seconde 3.300,00 DKK 36.300,00 DKK
      Première (2g.) and Terminale (3g.) not DFB (Danish-French baccalauréat) 3.300,00 DKK 36.300,00 DKK
      Première (2g.) / Terminale (3g.) DFB (Danish-French baccalauréat) 4.300,00 DKK 47.300,00 DKK
      English elective PARLE (5ème to 3ème / seventh to ninth grade)* 240,00 DKK 2.640,00 DKK
      English Certificate IELTS (2nde  – Terminale)*
      **Invoice for 5 months – period Sep-Jan or Jan-May
      480,00** DKK 5.280,00 DKK
      The fees listed below are without subsidies
      and are for students without a CPR number registered before the 5
      th of September or in the case where a student enrolls after the start of the school year. 
      Monthly Annually
      Elémentaire (CP à CM2) 7.560,00 DKK 83.160,00 DKK
      Collège (6ème à 3ème) 7.980,00 DKK 87.780,00 DKK
      Seconde 8.140,00 DKK 89.540,00 DKK
      Fee for the use of text books* Annually
      Primaire Included in the tuition fee
      Collège 470,00 DKK
      Lycée 1000,00 DKK
      Examination Fees*
      French final qualifying exam (in Terminale / 3.g) 1.700,00 DKK
      French final exam (in Première / 2g.) 1.700,00 DKK
      9th grade exam (“Brevet”) 430,00 DKK
      Danish final qualifying exam (Studentereksamen): Additional fees for a Danish student cap and for riding in a student truck:
      DAYCARE / SFO (out of school hours) COSTS
      Daycare / SFO – maternelle (included in tuition fee)
      Daycare / SFO – élémentaire 1st to 5th grade 1.400,00 DKK/month 15.400,00 DKK/year
      Daycare / SFO/ Klub – per day, when school is in session or per day during school breaks 260,00 DKK per day

      Kompas – junior Klub – collège (6th and 7th grade)
      700 DKK/month 7.700 DKK/year
      Canteen tickets (10 meals)

      540,00 DKK per booklet of ten tickets

      For the entire school year (752,50 DKK billed for 10 months)

      7.525,00 DKK

      Monthly subscription 48,00 DKK / meal The price varies according to the number of days the canteen is open each month. 
      Meal for external persons at the school 100,00 DKK
      Fee per invoice when paying manually and not through PBS (Danish direct debit) 100,00 DKK
      Damage to or non-return of books (CDI/BCD/School books – amount per book) 200,00 DKK
      Delays: child enrolled in SFO, KLUB or garderie (per child and per half-hour) 100,00 DKK
      Additional, lost or damaged access cards 50,00 DKK

      * tuition fees reduced for 3 or more children enrolled at the school.

      Financial support

      Students who are French nationals can apply for financial support from the French State. If this applies to you, please see the consulate website for more information.


      The school has no direct involvement with requests for French subsidies. The consulate handles the allocation and calculation of subsidies. They send the school a list of applicants who have been approved for a subsidy, along with the amounts allocated to individual students. The amount is divided over the school year and each individual’s tuition reduced according to the list received from the Consulate (divided by ten months for those listed by August 10th, subsequent lists divided by the remaining number of months).


      If the school receives notice of any changes from the consulate over the school year, these amounts will be accounted for by the school’s billing system. 

      Students who are not French nationals can apply for the school’s subsidy (Bourse LFPH).


      If parents who applied in April / May are granted a school subsidy, it will come into effect the following school year, starting from September, and will be accounted for in the August invoice.


      Those families who don’t manage to apply by the April / May deadline (newly arrived families or those impacted by major life shifts between April / May and September) are allowed to apply in September / October. All subsidies granted thereafter will be divided by the remaining months of the school year and deducted, from the time the school has notified the family.


      For more information about the subsidy, please see: Information

      Download the application 2024-2025 here.


      NB! – Completed applications (including all documents) for the School Year 2024-25 must be handed in to the school’s accounting  office, or scanned and sent to by September 20th 2024.

      If you have any questions, please write to:


      Financial Support from the Danish State (Fripladstilskud)


      Any student in first grade to seconde can apply for a subsidy to help cover part of their school fees and after-school programs (SFO). The subsidy takes into account the family’s size, along with the household income. Please note that subsidies usually aren’t allocated to households with an income of more than 389,561 DKK per year. Subsidies are calculated and allocated once a year.

      The application must be hand-delivered to the accounting office before September 2nd 2024. Please download the application form here. 

      Applications received by the due date are forwarded to Eunomia (the Secretariat of Allocation’s digital processing system). Around December the school receives notification of which students will receive a subsidy. The allocation process and all calculations are handled entirely by Eunomia. 


      The allocated amounts are divided into equal sums and deducted from the school fees for the remaining months of the school year.


      It is crucial that the documents are completed and signed by all parties involved.


      If a student receives a subsidy from the Danish state, it is important to know that the amount follows the student in question. Meaning that the amount is deducted the tuition fee regardless who is applying for the grant and who is paying the invoice from the school.



      Financial Support from the Danish state for students in 1ère / 2.g and Terminale / 3.g


      NB! Subsidies follow the calendar year and not the school year calendar.

      Students in 1ère and Terminale who attend DFB can apply for financial support available from Fripladskassen (the Secretariat of Allocation). The application must be completed and handed in, along with information about the primary and secondary earner’s income and a copy of their latest tax return.
      The 2024 application form is available here.

      Application deadline: December 10th


      IMPORTANT: Please hand in the completed application (including tax documents) to the accounting office or scan and send it to:

      The school applies for a subsidy from Fripladskassen based on the number of students enrolled as of January 1st. Once Fripladskassen has finished its calculations, the money is sent to the school in the spring, where the funds are then distributed to the eligible students.

      The amounts allocated are divided into equal sums corresponding to the number of months remaining in the calendar year and the months billed by the school. The monthly sums are then divided by the number of applicants. If a student is still attending the school in the fall of that same calendar year, then that student will be allocated funds until December 31st.

      In general, the Danish state does not allocate grants for school fees to students who receive financial support from France.



      Financial Support from the Danish state for students in 1ère / 2.g and Terminale / 3.g


      Students who turn 18 before January 1st can apply for a subsidy from Fripladskassen. There is no application form, but the student has to send an email to: with a request for consideration. 

      Students can apply once a year and the email must reach the accounting office by April 2nd at the latest.


      IMPORTANT: The allocation of the subsidy depends on whether a student already receives money from SU (the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme). Please specify the amount you receive from SU.

      The school applies to the subsidy for funds based on the information received from SU, in addition to the student’s application. Once Fripladskassen has finished its calculations, they send the funds to the school in the spring, where the school then divides the money among the eligible applicants.

      If a student is still attending the school in the fall of that same calendar year, then that student is allocated the monthly funds until the 31st of December.

      In general, the Danish state does not allocate grants for school fees to students who receive financial support from France.

      Students over 18 can apply for the SU grant here :  


      Financial support is calculated according to a distribution key and the information provided in the application sent to SU (the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme).


      Grants or loans are not handled by the school accounting office. All enquires must be sent directly to SU. 


      A student who applies for the SU grant needs to notify the secretary in charge of enrollment at:, that he/she is going to apply for the grant. Before applying, the student needs a confirmation of their enrollment at the school.  

      Financial Support from the municipality (øko.friplads)

      Subsidies for maternelle (PS, MS, and GS, if the child is born after October 1st).

      NB! Children in GS born before October 1st will no longer receive subsidies from the municipality (such as financial support or sibling allowance). Unfortunately, the Ministry does not have similar subsidies that can be applied for.


      If you would like to apply for a subsidy, you have to contact the municipality of the child’s registered address. The school has no direct involvement in the application process, therefore all questions should be directed to the municipality and not the school.


      If the request for a subsidy is approved by the municipality, the school will receive the funds on a monthly basis, which will then be deducted from the tuition fee. 
      Please note that the subsidy does not cover the full tuition fee.


      If the municipality registers the wrong amount by mistake, the municipality will contact the family directly regarding a reimbursement. Reimbursements are NOT processed by the school. 


      Sibling Allowance (søskendetilskud)

      Sibling allowances are available for those who have more than one child in maternelle (PS, MS, and GS, if the child is born after October 1st), nursery, daycare / after-school programs (SFO) or private daycare.

      Guidelines are available from your registered municipality. Questions should be directed to your municipality and not the school. 

      If you fulfill the municipality’s requirements for a sibling allowance, the school will receive the money on a monthly basis, which will then be deducted from the tuition fee. 

      Please note: the oldest child in a family usually receives the subsidy. If the oldest child is at another institution in the municipality, and the youngest child is with us, then the sibling allowance is deducted from the other institution’s fees, not ours. 

      If the municipality registers the wrong amount by mistake, the municipality will contact the family directly regarding a reimbursement. Reimbursements are NOT processed by the school. 


      The school’s Family Fund offers financial aid to families in need for field trips, school camps, and other school-related engagements. 


      Students in élémentaire – grades 1-5: Enquiries should be directed to the class teacher, who can provide the necessary paperwork. Once the forms have been completed, please hand them back to the same teacher.  

      Students in secondaire – grades 6 to 3.g:
      Requests for funding should be emailed to: Please cc the teacher responsible for the trip. 


      The fund may request the following:

      • A justification for the application, presenting the family’s financial situation. 
      • Tax documents from both parents. 
      • Documentation of a child’s subsidy, if they receive support. This is available upon request from the bookkeeper at:
      • Description of the school camp or field trip, including fees and possible expenses. 
      • Information about the composition of the family and the number of children who will participate in camps/trips throughout the year. 

      There is no compensation for transportation.



      For Lycée Students

      The Youth Travel Card allows students from ages 16 to 19 to travel at a reduced price between their residence and the school. In addition, the Youth Travel Card gives them a discount on travel around Denmark.  

      To apply for a Youth Travel Card, please follow the steps outlined at: Be sure to check the terms and conditions (also provided in English). 


      Unenrollment and cancellations

      Find all information about unenrollment and cancellations here.


      If you would like to withdraw your child from the school, please complete one of the forms below that correctly corresponds to your child’s level:


      Primaire (maternelle and élémentaire):  Formular primaire

      Collège and Lycée: Formular secondaire

      If you withdraw your child from the school, all other enrollments are automatically cancelled e.g. canteen and after-school activities.



      (Extract from payment terms and conditions 2024-25 – 4.2 Final departure from school).

      If a student terminates their enrollment in the middle of the school year, the student must notify the school by submitting the correct form on our website (Menu item: Enrollment, sub-item: Cancellations) one month in advance of departure counting from the first day of the month after the withdrawal notice (the current month plus one month ahead). School fees must be covered throughout the withdrawal period, regardless of whether the child is present or not. 

      If a student terminates their enrollment at the end of the school year, the student must notify the school by submitting a withdrawal form on our website (menu item: Enrollment, sub-item: Cancellations), by May 31st of the current school year at the latest, out of consideration for the school’s daily operations. If the form is received after the deadline, the family will be sent an invoice for the school fees for the first month of the following school year at the rate applicable to the student’s next grade level. Official documents required in connection with a student’s departure, along with the deposit, are issued after payment of all amounts owed.

      Please note, any notifications shared with our staff (teachers, Vie Scolaire, etc.) regarding your child’s upcoming school year does not count as an official withdrawal. Parents must notify the school about the decision via the form on our website for the decision to be valid (menu item: Enrollment, sub-item: Cancellations). 



      All cancellations must be notified with a notice period of the current month + 1 month, using the forms below.

      The canteen fees are due during the notice period, whether the child is present or not. Withdrawal from the annual service is definitive for the school year.

      Cancellations of meal plans is only available once a year, by sending an email to:

      After-school programs

      All cancellations must be notified with a notice period of the current month + 1 month, using the forms below.

      The after-school fees are due during the notice period, whether the child is present or not. Withdrawal from the annual service is definitive for the school year.

      SFO / Club

      If you would like to withdraw your child from daycare / an after-school program (SFO / Club), please complete this form. 


      If you would like to withdraw your child from daycare / an after-school program (KOMPAS), please complete this form. 



      When a student leaves the school, a full deposit is returned, minus any debts also for books not returned or destroyed. Depending on their class level, students finishing will need to pick up a document in the CDI or in the BCD, confirming that they have no debts to the libraries. The document must be delivered to the accounting office.   

      For all other information, please contact
      In the case where a deposit is never requested, the amount will automatically transfer to the school after a year.

      Certificat de scolarité / School certificate

      For families requiring a “certificat de scolarité,” please send an email to : Please note, this can only be issued once all of the terms and conditions for cancellations have been met and any eventual debts paid to the school.