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      Practical information

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      Informations pratiques

      Children in maternelle can bring their own packed lunches or have lunch from the canteen. They eat in the classroom. 


      Starting in the first grade, students eat in the canteen. Either they bring a packed lunch or they buy food in the canteen. 


      Students can sign up for a school lunch plan (annual: billed every other month or monthly: paid per month) or buy a booklet with 10 canteen tickets, which can be used as needed. If using canteen tickets, please remember to show your ticket at the door BEFORE taking a tray (students with a meal plan do not need to show a ticket).

      For special diets such as vegetarian, halal or pork-free, please contact


      For more information, please see our canteen prices and plans.


      See the menus

      When is the lunch break?

      Students in maternelle eat at 11 am

      Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade eat at 11 am

      Students in 1st and 2nd grade eat at 11:30 am

      Students in collège and lycée eat at 12 pm



      Our Menu

      Our meals, which offer a varied and balanced diet, are created by our French cook, who was trained at the Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Français (ESCF) – Ferrandi in Paris. Before he moved to Denmark, he worked at several gourmet restaurants in Paris. Most of the dishes served in the canteen are cooked in-house with fresh produce:


      56% of the fresh produce served in the canteen is organic


      The meals always include a buffet of vegetables every day.
      See our menus for the first six months of 2024 and the ecology poster 2024


      At Prins Henrik School we try to promote sustainability and avoid food waste whenever possible. The canteen schedule includes one vegetarian day a week, and in order to prevent food waste, we have entirely reorganized the way we serve the food. The students enjoy it, becoming active participants in reducing waste. 

      From Monday to Friday
      7.45-12.00 and 13.00-15.00

      Telephone Email
      School telephone number +45 33 21 20 48
      Emmanuelle SEGRETAIN
      The Office of the Principal
      Information about collège – lycée
      +45 33 55 00 70
      Marion KIEBER The Office of the Director of Primaire and the Vice-Principal
      Information about Maternelle and Primaire
      +45 33 55 00 60
      (courrier sécurisé)


      Administration Email
      Michaël MOCKA Principal
      Véronique LEGUAY Director of primaire
      Bolette WULFF Vice Principal 
      (Head of Danish department)
      (Courrier Sécurisé)
      Pierre LARTIGUE Administrative and Financial manager


      Billing, accountant
      and HR
      From Monday to Friday
      from 8.00 
      Telephone Email
      Monica TALLGREN Billing office +45 33 55 00 67
      Gitte REE Accountant’s office +45 33 55 00 66
      Susanne NIELSEN Accountant consultant +45 33 55 00 65
      Malene LUNDH-RASMUSSEN HR +45 33 55 00 69


      Vie Scolaire Telephone Email
      Léna MUNIÉ CPE Educational and Career Counselor +45 35 55 00 78
      Chine DESRUES CPE assistant +45 28 19 20 97
      Bureau de la Vie scolaire +45 33 55 00 75
      +45 27 11 17 10


      SFO and SFO Maternelle Telephone Email
      Chérif ABDELMOUMENE Responsible for klub and coordinator for daycare  +45 27 21 05 04
      Pauline LEROY Educational leader of SFO Maternelle, SFO og KLUB +45 28 26 05 88
      Maternelle SFO Daycare


      +45 33 55 00 77

      +45 33 55 00 79


      Centre de documentation et
      d’information – CDI
      Telephone Email
      Bruno DESCUBES / Marie EL FADEL School Librarian +45 27 85 10 28


      Health and Security Telephone Email
      Nicolas DROUILLON First Aid and Security officer +45 52 60 18 63


      Head Custodian (PEDEL) Téléphone Email
      Gautier WATELET Head Custodian +45 91 89 12 75


      Prins Henrik School is located in the Frederiksberg district, not far from the center of Copenhagen.

      The address is :

      Rolighedsvej 39
      1958 Frederiksberg C

      The campus which consists of all school departments: maternelle, élémentaire, collège and lycée is located at Rolighedsvej 39 in Frederiksberg.






      Metro: 7 minutes walk from the Forum metro station



      Bike: The green path goes right pass the school and crosses Rolighedsvej.

      It is very common to cycle everywhere in Copenhagen, where the air is fresh and there are cycle paths everywhere.


      Bus 71 to Bülowsvej
      Bus 2A to Rolighedsvej
      See also


      Car : Kiss and ride – there is a kiss and ride zone in front of the school where students can be dropped off. There is no parking.



      Daily Schedule School starts School finishes
      Monday to Thursday 08:15 14:15
      Friday 08:15 14:00
      Élémentaire 1st and 2nd grade
      Monday to Thursday 08:00 14:15
      Friday 08:00 14:00


      Collège et lycée
      From Monday to Friday 08:00 17:00
      Lycée opens 07:50 17:00


      Opening hours daycare and  SFO School opens Closing Times
      Maternelle Daycare and SFO 07:20 17:00
      Daycare for Maternelle During School Breaks 07:20 17:00
      SFO During School Breaks 07:20 17:00



      1.  Are there any admission requirements at Prins Henrik School?

      To enter maternelle children need to be toilet-trained. Children who still need diapers will not be enrolled.  

      In order to register for first-grade, children need to be able to communicate in French. 

      Those coming from the French school system (including schools within the AEFE-network), can register without a French level test. New students entering from another school system will be tested in order to assess their French level and find the most suitable level for them.  Students can enroll throughout the year.


      2.  What does it cost to attend the school?

      Information regarding the cost of attendance, daycare/after-school programs, and canteen meals are available here.


      3.  Are there any before and after school daycare services?

      There is a daycare for children in maternelle, and for older students in élémentaire, there is an after-school program called SFO/Klub. Both are open in the morning before school starts and in the afternoon after school. They are also open during school breaks. 

      Children need to be registered at Prins Henrik School in order to sign up for daycare or SFO/Klub. Students who are not signed up need to leave campus once school is no longer in session. The school is not responsible for students outside of school hours. 

      Links to more information about daycare and SFO/Klub.


      4. How do I find the school calendar?

      The school calendar is listed at the top of the school website or you can click on this link.


      5.   Is Prins Henrik School a Danish or a French school?

      Prins Henrik School is recognized by and subject to Danish law, which offers an education based on the French curriculum, and where Danish language classes are compulsory until seconde. The school adheres to the rules of both the Danish and the French Ministry of Education via AEFE.


      6.  Are there any special considerations made for children who don’t speak French?

      Children who don’t speak French are allowed to start in maternelle, where they are given the necessary teaching support from the teachers in FLE (French as a second language classes). Language assistance continues for them throughout élémentaire and secondaire, offering them the appropriate support as their French language skills improve. Our students start learning to read and write around six years old and it is very difficult to integrate new students thereafter if they are not familiar with French by that time.


      7.  Are the teachers French or Danish?

      The Danish teachers are Danish. Most of the regular subject teachers are French with a diploma recognized by the French Ministry of Education.


      8.   What is maternelle?

      Maternelle is the first level of the French school system, which takes care of children ages three to six. It is recognized as a part of the school system and is not a daycare service. There is a curriculum for maternelle, just like in élémentaire. The students are taught by teachers who have the same diplomas and the same education as those in élémentaire. Play is an integral part of the teaching approach.


      9.   When are the holidays and school vacations ?

      The school’s calendar is listed at the top of the website. Every year the calendar is adjusted, taking into consideration both the national French vacations as well as the Danish holidays and vacation periods. It is approved by the school council. 

      It is important that families try to adhere to the school calendar when their child enters maternelle, so s/he can get a good start on their education early on. 


      10.  Does the final French qualifying exam enable students to enter institutions of high education in Denmark?

      The French qualifying exam (called “Baccalauréat”) which students sit for at Prins Henrik School, is internationally recognized. The DFB (Dansk-Fransk Baccalauréat) is an additional diploma students can sit for at the end of 3.g, which enables them to apply for higher education taught in Danish in Denmark. This diploma isn’t necessary for Danish programs or degrees where English is the primary language of instruction.


      11. In what way does Prins Henrik School display an openness to Danish culture?

      Although teaching at Prins Henrik School adheres to the French curriculum, Danish culture is a big part of the school’s Danish classes, which are obligatory until seconde. Apart from the language classes, Danish culture also has a visible presence at the school, with its special focus the well-being of its students, in the daycare / SFO activities, in the food served at the canteen, in the school trips, and so on.


      12.  Does the school do camps or field trips?

      Every year the school organizes numerous camps and field trips, both in élémentaire, collège and in lycée.  


      13.  Are there any grants to help cover the tuition ?

      Financial support is available for families: grants and other types of subsidies. 

      Further details can be found under Financial support.



      14.  Insurance

      In Denmark children are considered liable for their actions from the age of five. Children are held responsible for damages caused to others or the property of others. Parents are automatically held financially responsible for damages caused by their children. As long as families have a standard house insurance, it normally includes liability coverage for all family members. 

      The school is responsible for damages, if the school or a staff member was at fault or a staff member takes responsibility for a mistake.  


      If a child is injured during school hours, the school’s group insurance will cover up to a certain amount, which has been determined by our insurance company. We recommend parents take out a personal accident insurance due to the limitations of our own insurance concerning compensation. 


      For any questions regarding the school’s insurance plan, please send an email to:

      Moving to Denmark, just like to any other country, involves lots of paperwork, and it is important to get it done quickly in order for your registration at Prins Henrik School to go as smoothly as possible. 

      In regards to taking advantage of school subsidies, you will need a residence permit and a CPR number (Danish social security number).


      For further information about moving to Denmark, please see the following links:


      Links for getting a CPR number and a residence permit.


      Lists of school supplies.

      Read all about the association of parents


      Primaire 2024-2025
      1st grade CP- School supplies
      2nd grade CE1 – School supplies
      3rd  grade CE2 – School supplies
      4th grade CM1 – School supplies
      4th grade CM1 CM2– School supplies
      5th grade CM2 – School supplies


      Collège –  2024-25
      6th grade 6ème – summer reading 24-25 and school supplies
      7th grade 5ème – summer reading 24-25 and school supplies
      8th grade 4ème – summer reading 24-25 and school supplies
      9th grade 3ème – summer reading 24-25 and school supplies

      Lycée –  2024-25
      Seconde – summer reading 24-25 and school supplies

      Première – summer reading 24-25 and school supplies
      Terminale – summer reading Philosophy 24-25 and school supplies


      Concerning school supplies

      You can buy notebook from SEYES and other supplies at 
      Vesterbro Kontorforsyning
      Vesterbrogade 66
      1620 København V

      The shop offers a reduction of 10% if you fill out a document saying that you are a parent at the school.


      Books on the lists can be ordered at  

      Den franske bogcafé
      Fiolstræde 16
      1171 København K




      Please find application form for electronic keys here.