Clubs and Activities

In addition to the instruction, secondaire at Prins Henrik School offers a plethora of unique activities for those seeking something extra. Math, programming, sports – there is lots to choose from – for anyone motivated and with surplus energy. The focus of the activities is often on entering national or international tournaments, ensuring an educational angle to trips abroad.
All class levels
Computer Club offers students an introduction to programming and algorithms through practice and participation in competitions tailored to all levels: Castor, algoréa, First Lego League, Alkindi competition, the Coding night (competition in coding games).
Here are some of the prizes we’ve won:
2019: First place at the Castor competition in the PAR-category (out of 60,000 participants).
2019: Second place at First Lego League (first place in the robot category).
2020: Third place at First Lego League for technology.
2024: First place at First Lego League for marketing.
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From 6th to 9th grade
Sports club is meant to give the students some fun ways to exercise, while providing a positive environment for them to meet up with friends from school.
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All levels
The eco-delegates group gives you the opportunity to get involved in making a difference at the school. You can take part in competitions, educational outings and projects …. Everything you need to get your ideas off the ground and become a real player in sustainable development at LFPH.
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From 6th to 9th grade
We’ll play and sing songs of all styles, as well as songs we can compose together. Your suggestions for songs are welcome, and if you’d like to bring an instrument or play the piano, bass drums, guitar or other, that’s also possible. It is compulsory to be able to read nodes. All levels welcome.
All levels
The purpose is to motivate students and stimulate their curiosity for math and science through fun activities, letting them become active participants in their own learning: like a researcher, he/she engages, questions, accepts fallibility, and learns from mistakes.
MATh.en.JEANS is an organization founded in 1989 by French mathematics researchers.
It is non-profit and accredited by the French Ministry of Education.
MATh.en.JEANS workshops, which received the d’alembert prize from the French Société Mathématique in 1992 and won the French President’s initiative “La France s’engage” in 2015, has also received several prizes from the André Parent du Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques (especially in Copenhagen in 2017).
A conference is held every year, enabling like-minded students to meet (either through their own workshops, or through the groups from different schools, or at the yearly conference).
The Workshop
The club meets on a weekly basis, where all levels are present.
The students work in groups of at least four people.
The workshop deals with different topics that are introduced by a French researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Fabien Pazuki, who coincidently was once a collège student at Prins Henrik School himself. The topics are optional and creative, enabling students to explore the realm of research.
Our teachers, Maëlle Durey and Eveline Royer, lead the workshop, but the students decide which tools to use to solve the problem. Fabien Pazuki pays the school a visit at the start of the school year and presents the topics, returning two or three times throughout the year to meet with the groups, discuss the topics, introduce methods, or promote further research, if needed.
The Conference
The high point of the event is the conference. All of the different MATh.en.JEANS workshop groups (students, teachers, and researchers), gather in one place (a university, “major school,” natural history museum, and so on.), selected for its reputation for being a place of science and learning.
At the MATh.en.JEANS conference, students learn to work with the scientific method in a clear and straightforward manner, creating a display (with posters and illustrations), as well as giving an oral presentation in the lecture hall. The conference promotes equal opportunity within science and teamwork, where participants compare ideas and exchange constructive criticism.
For many, it is their first contact with the university world and the genuine scientific approach. Researchers attend the conference and give a lecture on their research, presenting the practical application of their theoretical ideas. In 2012 the conference was held in Copenhagen, organized by the Institute for Mathematics and KU.
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Photos from the conference held in Düsseldorf, 2017
FerMUN club is for students in 1ère who like to debate, where they get to participate in mock UN conferences. Every student represents a country or organization and together they reflect upon, edit, report, and present solutions to the world’s current problems. All the hard work ends with a trip to the FerMUN conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
In 2021, the conference was held online for 3 days, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
From 7th grade to Terminale
The Charity Club is an independent association whose aim is to give students from 7. grade to Terminale the opportunity to discover the world of humanitarian aid by volunteering in partnerships with major Danish (Operation Dagsværk) or international (Red Cross, Plan International…) organizations.