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    Paper Airplane Illustration

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    Paper Airplane Illustration

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    Udgivet september 7, 2021

    Vores projekt PARLE engelsk 8. klasse foreslår at lave begivenheder på LFPH, som er lånt fra den engelsksprogede kultur. Her kommer den første !

    Are you tired of your boring old clothes? 

    Well guess what?


    From the 13th to the 17th of September, Spirit Week will be in action. 

    But, what exactly is Spirit Week? 

    During this special week, students and adults will have the choice to come dressed up at school, according to the themes we have chosen, to show school unity and spirit. 

    We hope you will decide to participate, and we wait with anticipation to see your creative costumes! 

    8th grade students (PARLE section)